Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Printings and Drawings

GREY AREA is up and running. I took some grungy photos of some of my favorite prints and drawings and got them up on the site for your eyes. Enjoy.

musical stimulation:
Traveling Wilburys

Wired's favorite Album Art

Lots of goods in here. Its too bad album art isnt as big of selling point any more. I am sure there is some cool art on CDs but the thrill is gone. Coming across an unknown cool looking record for a dollar is still an option or seeing something cool and realizing its actually good music. I think album art is doomed to die out with vinyl. luckily we still have posters.

Monday, June 14, 2010

From Gary with Love

Here are two shots I took in the garage today. I spent some time in there today with Joe Mertes on his birthday and I am planning on spending lots more time there in the coming weeks. I will keep you up to date as each project unfolds.

two of my prints are featured in the shot of the welding table. The Baby Huey 21st birthday print and the 3rd Trannysylvania poster.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Done with School!

I finished class on friday and damn does it feel good. My final class was called Art from Vintage Cinema. 14 days of class with 9 days spent watching films and the rest drawing. It was a pretty fun way to end my college life. Here are a few films that I liked:

The Sky Above, The Mud Below

The Little Fugitive
The Night of the Hunter
Random Harvest

I will post the others soon because they are all worth watching.

I have also been really in to info graphics and signage. Expect a few graphics with subway inspiration and some other information design coming soon. Above is an image from AIGA's story "The (Mostly) True Story of Helvetica and the New York City Subway". And here is a nice resource for fonts in transit.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Super Street Fighter

I was recently asked to put together some concepts for an Estate / Street Fighter co-lab. The info came to me as "Street Fighter IV (4)" which I quickly turned into these blood "IV" graphics. The project never ended up going through but I really like the designs, so here they are.