Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bike Post "B"

This is definitely a great place to look at old bikes. www.oldbike.eu: a vintage bike museum. There is a lot of history on as well. When I was in LA last summer I picked up an old Hercules so I have had a good time looking at the section dedicated to the brand.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bike Post "A"

I am going to start diving into and sharing my vat of bicycle inspiration. Spernicelli Biciclette is definitely the best place to look at beautifully restored bikes from all ages. Take a close look because the attention to detail on these is pretty amazing.

Monday, March 22, 2010

30 incites into design.

I like hearing what other people have to say about what they do. Some of these are better than others but definitely worth taking a look. I especially dig Brian Deputy talking about the Eames Lounge Chair. And Kiko Farkas explaining a record.

30 Conversations

Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Travel Posters

Travel posters have always been a source for design inspiration. It seems like they went out of style for awhile but these new ones from The Head of State are amazing! I really like the San Fransisco one but they are all good. Hopefully they keep going with more cities.

Monday, March 15, 2010

This is my kind of Golf

No that is not the logo for the ever popular rock band "The Who". What it is is a well designed and constructed mini golf hole. La Bolleur can be credited with the craftsmanship and follow the link to check out the rest of the course.

This makes me excited for the Walker Art Center's Artist Mini Golf. I couldn't find the dates for this summer, I hope they are still doing it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dandan interviews Me on 1817!

Good friend Dandan decided to interview me for a project and he also posted it up on 1817 for the world to see. Head over and check it out (I need to work on my speaking grammar). Also if you are coming here from there, my site isnt done yet so check back for updates and inspiration.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Leeds Play Bills

I got a heads up from Woodtyper, blog I have been checking for a few months, to a great resource for old play bills. The Leeds Play Bill site has around 5000 medium res images of their history of play bills. Start digging, I made it to page 82 before I uncrossed my eyes and got back to work. Here is a gem from the Circus category.

Monday, March 1, 2010

DIY 35 mm camera

I am a big fan of this DIY camera kit. Not that I would really want to build a camera myself but the design with plastic sprues brings me right back to getting a brand new Ninja Turtle and building models (the smell of super glue also strong in this memory). There has also been some really cleaver design that uses the sprue design. Here is one of my favorites.